- Campaigns
"The pharmaceutical companies Eli Lilly and Novartis put mice and rats in containers filled with water, from which they are desperately trying to escape...."
Forced swim test: animals forced to swim - sign now!Source:
"Animals have natural rights, and the Basic Law must finally expressly reflect this...."
Petition: Basic rights for animals in the Basic Law!Sign Now!Source:
"How many lambs have to be mutilated, cut, beaten, kicked, thrown around and skinned alive so that you stop wearing wool?Get active now and ask..."
REVEALED: Workers burn lambs' tails for wool!Help now!Source:
"In Russia, 90 beluga whales and 11 orcas are imprisoned for export to China.We call on the Russian environment minister to release the marine mammals again...."
Immediate release of 101 whales in Russia!Sign Now!Source:
"Please stand up for the animals and ask the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Michael Müller, to ban horse-drawn carriages...."
Ban on horse-drawn carriages in BerlinSource:
"Call on the Australian Prime Minister to end live exports!..."
Stop the cruel live export of sheep!Source:
"Please vote for a ban on horse-drawn carriages in Mallorca..."
Prohibit horse-drawn carriages in MallorcaSource:
"Millions of animals suffer from transport to third countries and European laws are not complied with.Help us end it!..."
End animal transports to non-EU countries!Sign Now!Source:
"The seal hunt in Canada is the world's largest hunting campaign against the harp seal.Tens of thousands of seals are cruelly killed.Help now!..."
Seal hunting in Canada - please help us to end it!Source:
"Petition to the federal government: Prevent pandemics - ban wildlife imports.Sign Now!..."
Preventing pandemics: import ban on exotic wild animals NOW!Source:
"This video shows one of the saddest places in the world - the Thai Pata Zoo.Sign the petition now!..."
This is how the caged animals in the Pata Zoo suffer - help now!Source:
"Video material shows tortured rabbits for "Orylag fur"..."
Animal agony for Dolce and GabbanaSource:
"Please appeal to the federal government to ban animals in the circus..."
Prohibit animals in the circusSource:
"Mink skinned for fur ends up in biodiesel.Help us end it!..."
Tormented Mink in Biodiesel: Help Us End It!Source:
"Every July at least 48 bulls are killed in the bull race in Pamplona - help us stop it!..."
Bull races in Pamplona - end cruel tradition now!Source:
"The EU is negotiating very closely and 23 other states are negotiating the TiSA service agreement.With him, corporations want to enforce a new wave of deregulation and privatization and deny privacy.The negotiations are well advanced...."
Sign now for nationwide referendums!Source:
"Animal testing for cosmetics is still carried out in the EU under the guise of the REACH regulation.Help us end it!..."
No animal testing for cosmetics!Source:
"Please support our petition to stop the cruel festival in Soria..."
Feuerstier - help stop the gruesome “Toro Júbilo” festivalSource:
"Please protest against those responsible for the SV and the VDH against the use of prohibited teletact devices in dog training...."
Teletakt: Stop cruelty to animals in dog places!Source:
"Many cafes have already recognized that vegan alternatives shouldn't cost more than animal products.Now ask Starbucks to follow suit...."
Petition against the Starbucks vegetable milk surcharge - sign now!Source:
"We urge Namibia's Ministry of the Environment to discontinue hunting for desert elephants and not to sell trophy permits to trophy hunters...."
No hunt for desert elephants in Namibia!Source:
"Veterinary Office ignores animal welfare regulation for reptile exchange Sindelfingen - Please appeal to the authority..."
Animal exchange in Sindelfingen: the veterinary office disregards animal protection guidelines!Source:
"The construction of a new monkey house in the Krefeld Zoo must be prevented.Sign our petition now!..."
Petition: No new monkey prison in Krefeld Zoo!Source:
"The Volkswagen Foundation still refuses to change its foundation policy and continues to support cruel animal experiments..."
With your signature, ask the Volkswagen Foundation to stop funding cruel animal experiments!Source:
"The DFG annually supports cruel animal experiments with tax money.Please vote for the animals!..."
The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports countless painful animal experiments with tax money - protest now!Source:
"Animal testing: Germany is also 8 years late in presenting completely defective draft laws - animal welfare requirements are ignored!..."
Germany denies correct implementation of EU animal testing guidelines - protest now!Source:
"Contact the Ambassador of Australia and ask her to stop mulesing and other mutilations in the wool industry...."
Help us stop sheep mulesing in AustraliaSource:
"Support PETA's demand for a redistribution of funding in favor of alternative method research!..."
Petition for animal experiments and alternative methods: The unequal distribution of funding must end!Source:
"Freedom for the dolphins Ni Ni and Chen Chen in Romania!..."
Petition for two dolphins in RomaniaSource:
"Brands like ASOS, Tom Tailor, Ulla Popken and Cecil have already decided not to sell cashmere.Please help us to convince Reserved of this...."
Goats killed for cashmere with hammer: Sign the petition on Reserved nowSource:
"Tell the Indian Minister of Tourism that you are against cruel elephant riding..."
Ban elephant rides in IndiaSource:
"Appeal to the mayor to stop torturing fish!..."
No more barbaric fishing festival in Memmingen!Source:
"Swimming with penguins?Penguins are bred in the Spreewelten adventure pool and handed over to amusement parks.Sign the petition now!..."
Penguins in the Bad Spreewelten: Help to end the suffering!Source:
"The torture of private keeping of brown bears in Albania must finally come to an end.Please appeal to the Albanian government to take appropriate steps to alleviate the animals' agony..."
In Albania, dozens of animals are kept in the worst conditions.Source:
"Painting, make-up and shaving brushes are made from badger hair.Help us end it!..."
Badgers beaten for brushes and killed - take action now!Source:
"Sign now for a nationwide ban on the cruel homicide traps..."
Prohibit cruel homicide traps nationwideSource:
"Prof. Dr.Mouritsen has been torturing and killing birds for his experiments for years.Help us to finally put an end to this!..."
The cruel bird experiments at the University of Oldenburg should finally be stopped!Source:
"To stop elephant poaching, we must ensure that the ivory trade is banned in the EU as well.Therefore, together with us, request an EU trade ban for ivory...."
EU ivory trade threatens elephantsSource:
"Countless animals suffer in the pet trade and in private households..."
Germany needs a pet protection law!Source:
"Australia should not support the cruel Ejiao industry...."
Please help to ban the export of live donkeys to China.Source:
"Lobsters suffer when cooked!Sign our petition to the BMEL for an obligation to numb lobsters like in Switzerland...."
Petition for lobster stunning!Sign Now!Source:
"Elephants are sentient beings, not props!..."
Zoo Wuppertal beats elephants for photos: sign nowSource:
"Would you like to do more?Challenge LVMH to stop using exotic leathers for Louis Vuitton and all other brands.With a few minutes of your time, you can do a lot for these forgotten animals..."
Crocodile skin VietnamSource:
"Please help save numerous marine animals from being captured at SeaWorld in Abu Dhabi...."
Call on the authorities not to allow SeaWorld in Abu Dhabi with animalsSource:
"Study shows that rats like to play hide-and-seek, but they were killed for that.Help us stop trying!..."
Hide playing rats killed and dismembered - help now!Source:
"Please sign this petition and ask those responsible to support only animal-free projects from now on..."
Research without animal sufferingSource:
"In view of the documented animal suffering at SeaWorld, we would like to ask all travel providers not to advertise SeaWorld in the future nor to sell trips to SeaWorld unless the company agrees to transfer its orcas to a marine enclosure...."
Sign our petition to tourism companiesSource:
"The Association of German Pigeon Breeders wants the pigeon sport to be recognized as a UNESCO cultural heritage.Help us prevent that...."
Racing pigeons must not become a UNESCO cultural heritage - sign nowSource:
"A private factory was discovered in Romania, in which dogs are apparently killed in large numbers.Help now!..."
Close the cruel shelter with the killing station immediately - help now!Source:
"Circus Krone wants the two elephants Bara and Burma to continue performing.Help us prevent this!..."
Petition: Circus Krone should grant Bara and Burma retirementSource:
"Please help save Pezoo from his agony enclosure..."
Petition for the Liberation of the Polar Bear PezooSource:
"Help us protect the fish...."
No fishing in protected areas of the North and Baltic SeasSource:
"Please ask the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation to issue an import ban on hunting trophies.Your signature will be collected and given at a later date...."
Import ban on hunting trophiesSource:
"It is wrong to imprison great apes in zoos.Help us end it!Sign here now...."
Apes out of zoos!Sign up now!Source:
"Please ask Pizza Hut to also offer vegan pizza in Germany..."
Petition to Pizza HutSource:
"Douglas kills mink for artificial eyelashes.Sign our petition now...."
Douglas: Mink killed for artificial eyelashes - sign the petition now!Source:
"A video from PETA USA shows how alpacas have been mistreated for their wool.Sign our petition now!..."
Whipped, cut and kicked alpacas for wool: help now!Source:
"Treason to the animals: luxury label Escada sells fur again.Sign our petition now...."
Escada sells fur again - sign the petition now!Source:
"Please sign the petition to the European Commission and European Parliament and request a test and marketing ban on household products or their ingredients..."
No animal testing for household productsSource:
"Appeal to the European zoo umbrella organization EAZA to ban the abuse of elephants with the elephant hook in its member zoos by 2023 at the latest!..."
Ban violence with elephant hooks in zoos!Sign Now!Source:
"The TUI Group sells trips to SeaWorld partner hotels and tickets for Loro Parque - even though we tell the company in detail about the suffering of killer whales in these marine zoos..."
TUI should end support for marine zoos such as SeaWorld and Loro Parque.Help now!Source:
"Unlike hundreds of other companies, American Vintage still sells Angora fur that panicked rabbits are ripped out of their skin.Help and end this suffering!..."
Tell American Vintage to stop selling AngoraSource:
"Please sign our petition for the designation of marine animal protection areas without any fishing...."
Real marine animal protection areas without fishing - sign now!Source:
"Together with us, please ask American Express to stop offering exotic leather products as rewards...."
Appeal to American Express to stop offering exotic leather rewards!Source:
"In the shadow of the great pyramids: horses flogged and camels beaten so that tourists can ride on them..."
Egypt: Camels beaten up to collapse - help now!Source:
"Chimpanzee Robby lives in tiny circus wagons without contact with any other species.Help us to give him at least more space!..."
More space for chimpanzee Robby - sign now!Source:
"The agony during the hunt is in no way inferior to the suffering on fur farms.Help us end financial support for wildlife skins...."
Saxony-Anhalt: No tax money for the fur industry!Sign Now!Source:
"Up to 500,000 foxes are cruelly killed in Germany every year.Help stop the fox hunt!..."
Petition for a nationwide ban on fox hunting - sign now!Source:
"All still living dolphins in German dolphinariums are to be transferred to a sanctuary.Sign Now!..."
Petition: To move dolphins to a shelterSource:
"Raw violence and brutality exposed in Romanian horse markets.Help us end it!..."
Cruel horse markets uncovered in Romania - help now!Source:
"Tell Atlas Air to stop transporting horses for slaughter in Japan..."
Live export of slaughter horses to JapanSource:
"Ask manufacturers Aroy-D and Chaokoh to source coconut from another country for their products..."
Uncovered: Abuse of monkeys for coconut milk and Co. - help now!Source:
"Elephants are beaten at the Elephant Festival in Nepal.Help us end this - sign now!..."
End the Elephant Festival in Nepal - sign now!Source:
"Rice waffles and -poridge for babies are containing unnecessary high traces of anorganic arsenic. This was proven by a actual foodwatch lab test. Arsenic is causing cancer! We demand: The producers have to take care for not having their products poisoned by anorganic arsenic or other harmful substan..."
Protect Children from Arsenic in Baby Rice Products!Source:
"Appeal to the manager to stop torturing Hummer!..."
No more living lobsters at METRO!Source:
"New detection from Santorini shows that mules and donkeys are still tortured.Sign the petition now!..."
New discovery from Santorini: Donkeys and mules continue to be tortured!Source:
"The best way to help suffering geese is by never buying a down product...."
Please ask Canada Goose to use vegetable or synthetic fibers for jacket lining.Source:
"Every year, numerous horses are seriously injured or killed on German racecourses.That has to stop...."
Horse racing must finally end - sign nowSource:
"Our oceans are mutating to dumps. The EU-Comission is going to change this development. But plastic producing companies aiming to disarm the comission's plan. By protesting we can still stop this!..."
Stop plastic flood!Source:
"There is cruelty to animals behind every Canada Goose garment - help us end it!..."
Canada Goose: Jackets made from dead coyotes and plucked geese - help nowSource:
"The Terraristika in Hamm is the largest reptile exchange in the world - sign our petition for a ban now!..."
Terraristika in Hamm - ban the largest reptile exchange in the world!Source:
"Now it's time for the coalition negotiations and right now we have the best opportunity to really influence politics, our children and the future generations!..."
We want in the coalition agreement!Source:
"Please appeal to the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr.Arif Havas Oegroseno, is in the Indonesian government for an immediate ban on dolphin walking circuses and..."
Ban on dolphin traveling circuses in IndonesiaSource:
"Lobsters can feel pain.Berlin Food Week is supposed to cut lobster dishes.Help now!..."
No lobsters at Berlin Food Week 2019 - sign now!Source:
"Pigs are mutilated in training courses for surgeons in the Bundeswehr.Sign our petition now!..."
Pigs mutilated in Bundeswehr surgical courses - help now!Source:
"The international fashion chain should respect animals and the environment and only use vegan leather...."
Request HSource:
"Mamba sweets have new recipes and are now made with gelatin.Help us change that!..."
Mamba should also be vegan in the future - sign the petition nowSource:
"Tens of thousands of seals are killed every year for fur and erectile dysfunction...."
Stop the seal massacre in Namibia!Source:
"Representatives of animal welfare are in the minority in animal test commissions - give the animals a voice with your signature!..."
Animal welfare representatives outnumbered on animal testing commissions: Help us to change thatSource:
"Current images show shot dogs and bloodstained streets.Help the dogs in Azerbaijan by signing our petition!..."
Stop killing street dogs in Azerbaijan: help now!Source:
"Please help the animals in the Grandview Aquarium..."
Grandview Aquarium - The saddest zoo in the worldSource:
"In the future, these 29 pasta manufacturers will produce pasta without eggs.Sign up now!..."
Challenge these pasta makers to make pasta without eggs!Source:
"The orcas Lolita, Wikie, Inouk, Moana and Keijo are to be transferred to a shelter in the sea..."
Help us to bring Lolita and the orcas in the Marineland Antibes into a supervised baySource:
"Help now!..."
Pioneering unveiling: goats thrown around for mohair, cut and killedSource:
"So-called “wet markets” are live animal markets where animals are sold and slaughtered - perfect breeding grounds for numerous diseases...."
Petition to WHO: Close live animal markets - sign now!Source:
"Denmark and Faroe Islands: Stop Whaling!..."
Protest against the bloody slaughter of whales in the Faroe Islands!Source:
"The Gadhimai Festival of Sacrifice, in which tens of thousands of animals are killed, takes place in Nepal every five years.Help us end it!..."
Gadhimai: Help us end the animal massacre in Nepal!Source:
"There are numerous alarming reports on the conditions in German slaughterhouses - abuse and misdemeanors are now part of the agenda.A Fehlbetaeubung means for the animal in the worst case, its decomposition..."
German slaughterhouses have to be monitored by videoSource:
"Let Levi’s know that as a company it can only express its values and protect the environment if it immediately replaces the leather patches with synthetic leather...."
Ask Levi’s to switch to vegan leather for the jeans patchesSource:
"Please help us end the cover-ups...."
Monitor carcass disposal facilities - punish cruelty to animals!Source:
"Please sign our petition for an import ban on dog leather to the responsible EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Vytenis Andriukaitis...."
Call on the EU to ban dog leather imports.Source:
"At the Biomedical Primate Research Center, monkeys are made sick in cruel experiments.The results are hardly transferable to humans...."
Malaria, tuberculosis, HIV: these monkeys are made sick!Help now!Source:
"Life in feces and urine - cruel messie breeding revealed.Help us to free the animals!..."
Myth of the "good breeder next door" uncovered!Help now!Source:
"According to PETA research: ban within reach..."
Please help: Ban animals in Indian circusesSource: