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HTTPS + POST : An encrypted SSL(HTTPS) connection ensuring your privacy. The search variables like keywords, etc. are encrypted and masked. HTTPS + GET : The data transfer is enrypted but search variables displayed in the URL. HTTP + GET : Non encrypted datatransfer
SSL key exchange / Cipher
Chromium based browsers might not work with the STRONG+ cipher set! You need to delete your settings cookie if you cannot build up an SSL connection. Try the STRONG cipher set instead. The FAST cipher set is only recommended for outdated browser which are still using SSL3 or do only support weak ciphers for the key exchange. Do not use this cipher set if you are using software which is up to date!
Session key extension
Bind Session to IP
These two settings will improve the security of your session. By giving an additional session salt and/or binding your session to your current IP address your new session will be secured individually making it almost 100% unbreakable for any random hacking attempt and man in the middle attacks! If you change one of those values your current session will be reinitiated! This means you will be logged out if you are logged in right now. Check your session security settings (user details), if you want to kill remaining sessions. It is not recommended to bind your IP to your session if you are using a VPN/PROXY/ISP Network with altering outbound IPs since you will be logged out everytime your IP changes.
World Wide Web:
Show external thumbnails and images.
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Content filter
Violence Filter adult material
Parental lock: with setting a password you are activating the parental lock. You are able to reset it by typing in the correct password clicking reset and saving the settings. To use the child protection properly you need to create a separate system account for your child with no write access to cookies
Length of descriptions
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With activating this option social plugins embed to this website will get loaded automatically. You will automatically accept all terms of used social plugin hosters by setting activated. Please reconsider our terms and links to related terms and datasecurity for more information
Seit vorletzter Woche sind einige E-Mails im Umlauf, die mit manipulierten Kopfzeilen einen Absender mit der Domain vorgeben und Gutscheine,Spenden und vergleichbares im Austausch für einen bestimmten Geldbetrag offerieren. Diese und vergleichbare E-Mails stammen nicht von unserem Mailserver und sollten als Spam erkannt werden.
Wir konnten die Absender auf verschiedene Mobilfunknetze zurückverfolgen.
Es folgt der unveränderte Inhalt einer der abgefangenen betrügerischen E-Mails: "Enquanto muitas pessoas gastam suas ninharias com aluguel, alimentos e = pagamentos de crédito, outras ficam ricas rapidamente!Com Oil Trade = você pode multiplicar facilmente seu depósito mínimo de = 1.350 BRL por cinco.Pare de sonhar! Permita-se a tudo e agora!Você = pode aprender mais seguindo este link aqui."